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I'm Dennis Santaniello and I'm a writer. I write novels, screenplays, essays, short stories, and ocassionally kids books. I'm a self published author, and I'm a big proponent of Indie Spirit.


My works Include:


A historical novel set on the Eastern Front of WWI called "SERGEI AND HANS". 


An epic screenplay trilogy about the Spanish conquest of the Americas called "CONQUISTADORS". (Note: I'm currently converting all three parts into a long serialized book form. Subscribe to the newsletter for more details.)


And many short stories and essays that I currently want to serialize.


So I hope that clears up some things.


"But what about that duck?" I hear some in the crowd jeer.


"He's smoking what appears to be a foreign substance. What's that all about? What's his angle?"


Ok, fine. I'll tell you. That's a doodle I created when I was 15 and began writing. I call him the Roman Duck. He's my dear mascot and long time friend, and my company "Roman Duck Productions"  is named after him.


And as far as what's he smoking? Well, I ask him that everyday, but he never seems to give me a clear answer. :)


Nice meeting you all.




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